Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In Response to Christine's Post...

Do you think showing the ad's before the game was a good marketing strategy or not?  

I personally do not think that showing the ad's before the game was a good marketing approach. I think that many people wants the Superbowl for the soul reason of seeing the ad's, and being entertained by new commercials they have never seen before. Showing them before the game took away that element of surprise, and gave viewers the opportunity to see them before they normally would have been able to. Superbowl commercials are supposed to be the "best" of the year because people spend so much money to have them played during the Superbowl, however since they showed them before the Superbowl I think they paid all of that money and lost the novelty of the marketing scheme. Superbowl commercials are "rare" and have high standards to live up to, the fact that they played the commercials before the Superbowl changes the way viewers see them, they are no long Superbowl commercials, they are just average commercials. 

Do you think the commercials on this years Superbowl lived up o the expectations?