Monday, April 2, 2012


There are always new ways surfacing to try and figure out what the consumer wants. But In this case the newest way is neuromarketing. "It's easy for businesses to keep track of what we buy, but harder to figure out why. Enter a nascent field called neuromarketing, which uses the tools of neuroscience to determine why we prefer some products over others." says Carmen Nobel, Author of the article "What Neuroscience Tells Us About Consumer Desire." This method falls under the category of Decision Neuroscience, they are trying to figure out what makes consumers what a certain product over another.Large companies such as Frito-Lay have hired a neuromarketing firm to look into how consumers respond to Cheetos. So using EEG technology on a group of willing subjects, they discovered that consumers respond highly to the fact that their fingers turn orange with the cheese dust. They say that they consumers enjoy the "messiness" of the product.

There are concerns surrounding this new marketing idea, some firms market that they offer neuromarketing analysis, but in fact they do not have the correct expertise of technology to give proficient feedback. Like any new idea, this has its flaws and its critics.

Do you think the idea of neuromarketing is a good one? If you owned a company would you hire a neuromarketing firm to test how consumers respond to your products?

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