Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In Response to Todd's Post...

How do you guys feel about advertisers using temporary tattoos? Would you wear one?

My first thought after reading Todd's post about temporary tattoos used for advertising, I thought it would not work. However, after further thought I came to the decision that I do believe the idea would work if the right companies used it and created a tattoo that consumers would want to wear. They would have to market to specific people, younger children tend to like temporary tattoos more than middle aged people. Children s products could easily be marketed this way. The example Todd gave was Yellow Tail wine, I think that alcoholic beverages could be marketed this way to college aged students, however people who have real jobs probably do not want to go to work and show off a temporaty tattoo of an alcoholic beverage, it may send the wrong message. This is an innovative new idea that could definitely catch on if it is used with the right products and the right target market. 

How do you feel about people getting brands or logos permanently tattooed on them?

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