Monday, April 9, 2012

In Response to Lyndzi's Post....

When you see the Apple symbol/logo what do you think of? What are your first thoughts that come to mind about the brand or product?

When I see the Apple symbol the first thing that comes to mind is the price. The price of Apple products is higher than other electronic companies, but with higher price you also get better quality. The higher price is well worth it because Apple products are some of the highest quality in the world, and will last longer and run better than most. When you purchase an Apple product you are making an investment, you are purchasing a higher priced item, but you know it will last longer than any other. Apple has created an amazing name for themselves, Lyndzi was right when she stated that Apple has created "great brand loyalty." Once a consumer buys an Apple product they want to continue to purchase from Apple because they realize how reliable and consumer friendly their products are. I am an example of this, I own a Apple MacBook, iPod Touch, and iPhone. I have never had a problem with any of them, and when one of them does finally stop working, I will buy another Apple product to replace it. I have strong brand loyalty to Apple, and will continue to trust their products because of the experience I have had with the ones I currently own.

Do you have brand loyalty to any other brand besides Apple?

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